The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb). The upper part, or body, of the uterus, is where a fetus grows. The cervix connects the body of the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). The part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the endocervix. The part next to the vagina is the ectocervix. Most cervical cancers start where these 2 parts meet.
Cancer of the cervix (also known as cervical cancer) begins in the lining of the cervix. Cervical cancers do not form suddenly. Normal cervical cells gradually develop pre-cancerous changes that turn into cancer. Doctors use several terms to describe these pre-cancerous changes, including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL), and dysplasia.
There are 2 main types of cervical cancers: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Cervical cancers and cervical precancers are classified by how they look under a microscope. About 80% to 90% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, which are composed of cells that resemble the flat, thin cells called squamous cells that cover the surface of the endocervix. Squamous cell carcinomas most often begin where the ectocervix joins the endocervix.
The remaining 10% to 20% of cervical cancers are adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinomas are becoming more common in women born in the last 20 to 30 years. Cervical adenocarcinoma develops from the mucus-producing gland cells of the endocervix. Less commonly, cervical cancers have features of both squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. These are called adenosquamous carcinomas or mixed carcinomas.
Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any treatment. But if these precancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented. Pre-cancerous changes and specific types of treatment for precancers are discussed in the section, "Can Cervical Cancer Be Prevented?"
Precancerous changes can be separated into different categories based on how the cells of the cervix look under a microscope. These categories are discussed in the section, "Can Cervical Cancer Be Prevented?"
1 comment:
In dreams of men one often finds the cravat as a symbol for the penis; this indeed is not only because cravats hang down long, and are characteristic of the man, but also because one can select them at pleasure, a freedom which is prohibited by nature in the original of the symbol.. Pike as a means rather than an end.. Thus it would appear that all wishes are of the same value and force for the dream formation.. If, however, I continue the analysis for myself, without regard to those others, for whom, indeed, so personal an event as my dream cannot matter, I arrive finally at ideas which surprise me, which I have not known to be mine, which not only appear foreign to me, but which are unpleasant , and which I would like to oppose vehemently, whilst the chain of ideas running through the analysis intrudes upon me inexorably.. You're goin' in first, asserted Ross, but without conviction.. He was living the fulfilment of his dreams in exile, lounging in the stern in the ancient clothes he had purchased, his feet stretched comfortably before him in their broken shoes, one foot upon a thwart, the other hanging overside so laxly that occasional ripples lapped the run-over heel.. VII Uncle Billy came back from the Tutt House Annex, as Mr.. Two of the boys glanced slyly at each other, with what Edward Morland comprehended as an expression of pitch-penny and marbles.. But as a second motive power of the dream we may mention the father's desire to sleep, for, like the life of the child, the sleep of the father is prolonged for a moment by the dream.. A young man, who has in earlier years tormented his elder brother, towards whom he was homosexually inclined, but who had undergone a complete change of character, has the following dream, which consists of three parts: (1) He is insulted by his brother.. After this he went to several Commencements for me, and ate the dinners provided; he sat through three of our Quarterly Conventions for me--always voting judiciously, by the simple rule mentioned above, of siding with the minority.. But the Major, with all his queer clothes, his immense area of plaited, raveling shirt bosom, and the little black string tie with the bow always slipping on one side, both was smiled at and liked in Mrs.. The Colonel, without replying, slowly filled a glass of whiskey and water.. The great house was relinquished.. They, too, were relieved, though more by the momentary truce than by anything else.. To speak figuratively, it is quite possible that a day thought plays the part of the contractor ( entrepreneur ) in the dream.. Your college friends must have idolized you.. While he was seemingly thinking of the subject of violence, a reminiscence from his ninth year suddenly occurred to him.. Ever had any champagne, Gideon? Gideon struggled for politeness.. Comprenez-vous? To this tirade, uttered with great volubility, Miss Morland made no other reply than, Oui--je comprens...
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